Everyone is invited
Anyone of good will may receive the First Spiritual Exercises.
No one is excluded because of culture, race, colour, gender identity and expression, martial status, past life, political belief, imprisonment, refugee status or spiritual tradition.
No one is unable because of age, education, mental or physical handicap, income, chronic illness, lack of religion or spirituality, disability, fragility or limitation.
Everyone is welcome and able.
About Us
The First Spiritual Exercises (FSE) are a form of the Spiritual Exercises created by St Ignatius Loyola some 480 years ago.
They have helped large numbers of people to begin or deepen personal relationship with God, enriching their interior life, fleshing out their daily lives to be happier, more peaceful people, open to greater service of others.
Our community responsibilities are outlined here.
This FSE Cloud Community site is administered by the Australian National Team of the First Spiritual Exercises Program: Michael Hansen SJ, Frances Tilly, Chris Gardner, Julie Tranfa and Martin Scroop.
The FSE Community has two helpers, Gracelyn Vega and Jeanette Fitzmaurice, helping the community as a whole.
Contact the helpers: home@first-exercises.com