About Us

We are a team of Jesuit and Lay people creating and nourishing an international community of Givers and Receivers of the First Spiritual Exercises. These Exercises are a form of the Spiritual Exercises created by St Ignatius Loyola, some 480 years ago, and still opening people to transformation today. We are a Christian not-for-profit organisation, an initiative of the Australian Society of Jesus.

The First Spiritual Exercises (FSE) have helped large numbers of people to begin or deepen personal relationship with God, enriching their interior life, fleshing out their daily lives to be happier, more peaceful people, open to greater service of others. We desire to offer this gift to present day seekers.


The FSE in the Cloud makes the exercises themselves, retreats and training freely available to anyone who wishes to receive them. It also aims to create a supportive, encouraging and discerning community.

This site is administered by the Australian National FSE Team: Michael Hansen SJ, Frances Tilly, Chris Gardner, Julie Tranfa and Martin Scroop. The Spiritual Conversation Forums are moderated by trained Spiritual Conversation Guides. The Ministry Groups and Community School are moderated by active Mentors, Leaders and Trainers of the First Spiritual Exercises.